
The Power of a Praying Husband

One thing I always ask Georgia on the phone before we hang up is if there is anything I can do for her.  I know it sounds silly because there honestly is not much I can actually do for her while in prison.

This seemed to frustrate me since before I surrendered I would always try to think of things I could do for my family to make life easier on them.  Fortunately, Rich let me borrow a book called “The Power of a Praying Husband” by Stormie Omartian.

I am glad I read this book as it was a reminder for me to pray for my wife more specifically about things.  Being in prison makes one realize we need to depend on God for strength.  Prison can make you come to the end of your resources so you can discover HIS resources or shall we say rediscover.  It is only God who can bind up the brokenhearted and set the captive free.

Now instead of asking Georgia if there is anything I can do for her, I will tell her I will be praying for her and the boys to remain strong while I am away.

A great thing I was reminded of after reading this book is the Almighty says we need to have a vision.  So we must ask HIM for it.  But getting a vision from God for our future doesn’t mean HE is going to reveal all the details of whats ahead.  I have been reminded that HE will reveal HIMSELF to us when we seek the Lord.  He does not want us to know the future, HE wants us to know HIM, HE is our future.

Therefore, continue to pray for your wife since her future is directly linked to yours.

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