
As Simple As a Smile and a Shoelace

This past week I had an unfortunate piece of news that requires me to not be released for an extra 2 or 3 months.  Very depressing to say the least.  Despite this awful news, Georgia still encouraged me to use the time show the love God to others.

Therefore, I’d like to share 2 instances where I have done this.  First, in the daily Bible study group I help lead at 4:30, I went out of my way to pray and encourage another guy named Dave realize he does matter to people.  He usually allows the reality of being in prison get him depressed.  This encouragement helped Dave not be as depressed and actually he prayed with more confidence and sincerity.  Amazing how a little encouragement could go a long way.

The other instance is with an inmate named “B”.  This guy walks around with an attitude of superiority and looks like he could bench 1000 lbs.  Ever since I met this guy, he has always been flat out rude to me.  I just brush it off and stay out of his way.  One day he needed a shoelace.  Luckily I had an extra one.  I gave it to him.  The following day he miraculously no longer had an attitude and even gave me the nickname “Smilely” because he always sees me smile and said I am a good example of not letting our situation get the best of us.  He no longer acts as mean to others.  Who would have thought, a simple shoe lace and a smile would help change a person.

Hopefully you can take time today to pay someone a compliment and/or help out someone with something so they can see you have a hope in something far greater than what one can imagine.

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